New beginnings

So I'm starting over but not completely. I know I do this all the time and this is time really is no different. You might notice a name change and a look change. I think to be able to stay true to me, it would be easier to just call the blog after me. I … Continue reading New beginnings


Its almost summer and this is a serious topic ladies and gentlemen, Sunscreen. Scientific evidence supports the benefits of using sunscreen to minimize short-term and long-term damage to the skin from the sun's rays. Here is a quick list of sunscreen you can buy Anthelios XL Ultra-light SPF 50+ I use this one, I find it isn’t … Continue reading Sunscreen

Reaching out

I wanted to touch on a topic very dear to my heart. Depression. I want to start bey saying it's more than just sadness. Any one who knows me knows that I'm bubbly and high energy however being a bubbly person doesn't mean you don't experience depression and anxiety. Mental health issues don’t discriminate, even … Continue reading Reaching out